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MTG - Doctor Who Commander Deck Display - ENG



Each display contains one each of the Universes Beyond: Doctor Who Commander Decks.
Travel across the universe with the Doctor and their companions in the little blue box—the TARDIS—and help them protect the universe from threats of all kinds; or take on the role of the villain and vie for intergalactic domination.
In Commander, four players come together to show their strength and strategy, with one player coming out on top. Each 100-card ready-to-play Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond: Doctor Who™ Commander Deck makes it easy for Commander fans in your store to grab a deck and play right away.
This Commander Deck set includes 1 ready-to-play deck of 100 Magic cards (2 Traditional Foil Legendary cards, 98 nonfoil cards), 10 Planechase cards, a 2-card Collector Booster Sample Pack, 1 Foil-Etched Display Commander (a thick cardstock copy of the commander card with foil etched into the card’s border and art), 10 double-sided tokens, 1 deck box (can hold 100 sleeved cards), 1 Life Wheel, 1 Planar die, 1 strategy insert, and 1 reference card.
• 1 Foil-Etched Display commander
• 2 Rainbow Foils + 98 nonfoil cards
• 10 Planechase cards
• 2-card Collector Booster Sample Pack
• 10 double-sided tokens
• 1 Life Tracker
• 1 Planar Die
• 1 Deck Box
• 1 strategy insert
• 1 reference card

MTG - Doctor Who Commander Deck Display - ENG

€ 55,00Prezzo
Disponibile dal 13/10/2023

    Red Gecko Store

    Via Papa Giovanni XXIII 37, 10024 Moncalieri (TO), Italy

    C.F. FNTSMN91T02L219M

    P. IVA 12798560012

    348 2691475

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